Thursday, July 14, 2011

"Nobody likes you when you're 23"

The wonderful surprise! (hidden in my wedding dress bag for two weeks...!)

Birthday cards :)

The cake I made!!

Robby likes his birthday balloons 

We are a model couple ;)

Sometimes we're cheesy... :D

....i'm proud of the cake....
Robby is now 23! And apparently the song his family sings is "Nobody likes you when you're 23" that's nice. haha Anyways, I spent the whole day getting ready for his birthday while he was at work...I might have gotten the good end of that deal?  I was able to build him a pretty delicious cake though which I think made him forget he had to work on his birfday.. When he finally did get home we cooked brats on the grill and they were delicious :) I think every person/newlywed couple needs to have a grill. Meat is just good. Plain and simple. It's even better when it's cooked on a grill. After we ate I sang  happy birthday to Robby and he blew out his candles. It was super nice to just spend his birthday home with the two of us :) Here's to you my 23 year old hubby....

Monday, July 11, 2011

Marriage=building boats!

Us while building it (it was super hot that day!)

Robby is hard at work

Side view

The boat we built!

Us at the Oakley rodeo!

This past fourth of July weekend, Robby and I were able to go to his grandma's cabin. We built a pretty amazing boat for their annual boat race and it took us six hours to complete! (It would have taken 5-but I wanted Robby to teach me how to drill-I married a patient man:)). That night- we went to the Oakley Rodeo. Pretty cute since we went to the same rodeo last summer. I really like rodeo's. There's a feeling of America that you just can't find anywhere else. Robby and I went to the ward in Oakley and I have never seen a chapel so packed! The overflow was also completely full and we ended up sitting out in the foyer with two families and a lot of little kids. One of the little kids came and told her aunt that she was going to sit in the middle. The aunt, thinking the child meant the middle seat that was placed along the wall just smiled and said ok. The little girl then proceeded to move her chair to the middle of the room while her mother tried holding her chair back. Kinda hilarious to watch :) The next day was the boat race and our boat totally won! Well-Bryan's won but it didn't hold two it was disqualified (pretty official race I know! haha) Robby and I then had to race home so I could make it to work by 4:30. Needless to say-awesome weekend!